Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Recruitment 2014| IISC Registrar / Officer / Assistant

Recruitment 2014| IISC Registrar / Officer / Assistant

Complete Vacancy Details>
Last Date> 01-04-2014
Post Name & No. of post> 22 Posts 
Assistant Registrar>06posts
Technical Officer>07 posts
Security Supervisor>02 posts
Junior Technical Assistant>07 posts  
Educational Qualification> All candidates in the job information. have a graduate.
How to Apply> All  candidates are downloaded from official Website Its last date is 01-04-2014.
Pay scale> 15600-39100 / 9300-34800 Rs/month
More detail to http://www.iisc.ernet.in/opportunities/adminpositions.html


  1. According to the notification that is provided in your blog, I am interested to apply for IISC Recruitment 2017, can you please provide me some more information of salary structure and required qualification.

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  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello sir, thanks for sharing this nice blog.
    Army Bharti
